World Highlights in history 700 ~ 800 BC

May 10, 2008

Highlights in history 700 ~ 800 BC

: First Olympic Games 776
Nuraghi (stone castles) in Sardinia c. 770
Legendary founding of Rome by Romulus c. 753
Greek settlers colonise Sicily south Italy c. 720
Odyssey and Iliad completed in modern form c. 750
First hexameter verses on Greek pottery c. 730

Asia : Hinduism spreads south and east c. 800
Eastern Chou dynasty at Loyang 770
Sargon II of Assyria conquers Babylon, Judah 722
Sennacherib restores Nineveh as Assyrian capital 705
Babylonians study eclipses and planets 750
First coins struck from electrum in Lydia 700

Americas : Monte alban, Oaxaca, Mexico founded c. 800
Olmec style figurines made at Tlatilco, Mexico 800 (-300)

Africa : Nubian's conquer Egypt 750
Pyramid tombs of Nubian Kings at Nuri, Sudan c. 700

A feeding stag is shown on one of the first coins, made by Lydians of west Turkey

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