World Highlights in history 600 ~ 700 BC

May 11, 2008

Highlights in history 600 ~ 700 BC

: Scythians spread to east Europe c. 700
Athens replaces king with elected archons 683
Vases painted with scenes from life, Athens c. 700
Hesiod: Works and Days 650
Sappho poet of Lesbos c. 610

Asia : Babylon falls to Assyrians 689
Legend says Japan founded by Jimmu 660
Zoroaster in Persia 650
Medes and Babylonians destroy Assyria 614
Lydia becomes major power 605
Pataliputra capital of Magada kingdom, N. India c. 600
Nebuchadnezzar II builds Ishtar Gate, Babylon 605
Nebuchadnezzar builds Hanging Gardens c. 600

Americas : Bering Straits peoples develop Arctic fishing life c. 700
Emergence of chiefdoms in Mexico c. 600

Africa : Assyrians conquer Egypt 671
Princes of sais reunite Egypt 664 (-332)
Carthage builds up fleet 650
Greeks founds colony of Cyrene c. 630
Nebuchadnezzar defeats Egypt at Carchemish 605
Sheep in West Africa 700
Iron tools and weapons used in North Africa c. 700

The Assyrian war machine conquers Babylon and Egypt then falls itself to Babylon

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