World Highlights in history 100 ~ 150 BC

May 20, 2008

Highlights in history 100 ~ 150 BC

: Third Punic War: Rome defeats Carthage 149 (-146)
Rome annexes Greece 148 (-146)
Rome takes Provence and Balearic Islands 123
Teutons and Cimbri invade southern France 115
Stoicism dominant philosophy among Roman elite 149
Marcian Aqueduct brings water to Rome 144
First stone bridge over River Tiber, Rome 142
Venus de Milo c. 140
Cicero, Roman orator and writer 106 (-43)
20,000 slaves crucified in Sicily after rebellion 132
Romans found colony at Narbonne, France 118
First working-class Romans given military training 107

Asia : Jews liberate Jerusalem and make it their capital 142
Parthians conquer Mesopotamia 141
Emperor Wu-ti Expands Han power in E Asia 141
Confucianism becomes state religion of China 136
Silk Road opens between China and the West c. 112
Petra, Nabataean capital, at its height 100
Chinese prince buried in jade suit of 2690 pieces 113

Americas : Teotihuacan, Mexico, at its height c. 100 (-AD 750)
Peak of Pucara culture, Lake Titicaca c. 100 (-AD 200)

Africa : Carthage razed by Rome at end of Third Punic War 146
Rome founds province of Africa 146
Ptolemaic dynasty weakens hold over S Egypt c. 100

Goddess in mortal form, the Venus de Milo stands as the epitome of Greek sculpture

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