World Highlights in history 400 ~ 450 BC

May 15, 2008

Highlights in history 400 ~ 450 BC

: Peloponnesian War , Sparta defeats Athens 431 (-404)
Celts reach northern Italy 400
Euripides: Medea c. 444
Sophocles: Antigone c. 442
Parthenon completed 432
Hippocrates revolutionises ideas on medicine c. 430
Democritus publishes first atomic theory 405
Aristophanes: The Frogs 405
Twelve Tables of Law, Rome 450
Plague in Athens kills one in four citizens 430

Asia : Nehemiah, reforming Governor of Jerusalem 445
Warring States Period in China 403 (-221)
Ramayana, Hindu epic, in written form c. 425
Scholar formulates 4000 rules for Sanskrit c. 400
Iron-working introduced in Korea 400

Americas : Peak of Chavin influence in Andes c. 450 (-250)

Africa : Egyptian rebels revolt against Persian rule 404
Iron-making in sub-Saharan Africa c. 450
City of Carthage rebuilt on grid plan 400

Warriors of Sparta, long the mainstay of Greece's armies, finally crush mighty Athens

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